Imagine you’ve been hurt at the hands of another person. You contact police and go through the crime-reporting process — alone. The person who hurt you is arrested and released on bond, but no one informs you.
The court process begins, and you are confused by what is going on, and what it means. And no one is there to help explain it to you.
The jury finds the person who harmed you guilty and at sentencing the defendant’s family asks the judge for leniency. No one asks you for your thoughts or opinions; you’re just the victim.
Twenty-six years ago you wouldn’t have to imagine this scenario. It was the way the system worked, or as we know now didn’t work.
In 1982, President Reagan created the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. This task force listened to the tragic stories of victims and their experience with the criminal justice system. It quickly became apparent that changes in the system needed to be made.
Federal legislation passed in 1984 did just that — it created important changes in the way the criminal justice system treats victims. The Victims of Crime Act established the Crime Victims’ Fund to support crime victims across the country.
By that time, however, Colorado had already enacted its own Crime Victims’ Compensation Act (1981). The money, which is received from fines paid by offenders, is used to fund victim compensation and assistant programs.
These programs are vital in helping a crime victim become “whole” after the event. The funds are used to help pay for medical care, counseling, funerals and burials, lost wages, even crime-scene clean up. The funds also provide support to help the victims navigate the criminal justice process.
At the Weld District Attorney’s Office, we see victims benefit from these funds daily. Our 14-member Victim Witness Unit works hand-in-hand with crime victims. They provide information and explanation as to the court process, they offer referrals to assistance programs, and sometimes they just hold victims’ hands and wipe away their tears.
Our victim compensation program is one of the top programs in the state and works diligently to take care of the needs victims have as a result of the crime committed against them.
Last year, our Victim Compensation Department provided more than $820,000 in aide to victims of crime, including $600,571 in medical assistance; $111,352 in mental health assistance; $57,169 in economic support (to cover lost wages as a victim recovers from injury or even to help with relocating victims to a safer community); $42,605 in funeral and burial assistance; and $10,638 in crime scene cleanup.
These two units within the DA’s office are vital positive links that connect victims of crime to the criminal justice process. They guide victims and their families through grief-stricken times and ease the financial burdens they face due to circumstances beyond their control. In many ways, these two units bring another level of justice to the justice system.
Victims’ Rights Legislation was enacted 25 years ago this year, and on Friday the Coordinating Committee for Victims of Crime will kick off Victims’ Rights Week in Weld County with a seminar highlighting the important accomplishments of victim services during the last 25 years.
The seminar, which will be held at the Aims Community College’s Student Center from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., will feature three speakers: keynote speaker Krista Flannigan, director
of Community Partnerships; Weld District Court Judge James Hartmann; and honored victim survivor speaker Colleen Flack. Early registration fees are $20 per person; the registration fee on the day of the event is $25 per person.
To register early, please call (970) 356-4010, ext. 4746.
Please join us in celebrating this landmark legislation that has made a positive impact on our criminal justice system.
Ken Buck is the Weld District Attorney. He can be reached at
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